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Friday, August 9, 2019

Special Message From Archangel Michael ~ You Are Here on Mission

Greetings Dear Ones, I wish to assist the collective consciousness in breaking down belief systems most of Humanity has put in place. You are all integrating much light within your Being. However, the purging or release process is still ongoing as there can be no dense energies to anchor in your higher selves. The information that I will provide may rock the foundations of what your think you know and what is Truth about the Mind and Heart. The realm of illusion has shrouded much of the truth of The Ascension of Humanity and it’s in depth evolutionary process. This includes what some call, the “Universal Mind”. Let us delve into the differences of The Universal Mind and the Universal Heart as well as Your Mission on Planet Gaia=Heart. As Always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Beginners Guide to Zero Waste Living

A whole bunch of people making small changes adds up to a massive impact!

Going zero waste

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Urgent Message From Archangel Michael ~ Day Out of Time, Galactic New Year and the Lion’s Gate

Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide an update on the upcoming energetic alignment. The Day Out of Time, the Galactic New Year and the Lion’s Gate is upon you. Some of your indigenous brothers and sisters knew of these important astrological alignments, and their significance. The Lion’s Gate portal initializes on July 26th and climax August 8th. The next phase in the Divine Plan is unfolding in conjunction with these energies. Sirius will play a grand part in the Ascension of Our Beloved Mother Earth and those whom choose to Ascend with Her. Let us delve deeper into these energies to gain clarity, and propel the planet and those choosing the Heart, into Higher Consciousness. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.
#ascension, #consciousness, #spirituality, #archangelmichael, #mothergaia, #angelmessages,

Saturday, August 3, 2019

19 Industries the Blockchain will Disrupt

Industries, disrupt, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, world, paradigm shift

Thursday, August 1, 2019