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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Archeia Faith ~ Mothers Majesty, Receiving Divine Direction Archeia Faith ~ Mothers Majesty, Receiving Divine Direction

The Full Moon was approaching and I wrote a ceremony whilst gazing out over the desert, sensing scorpions and other wild life out there. Mother Moon shone down and graced me with Her crystal Light. To breathe in the freedom and bounty of Her body that lay beneath me, took me back to years of wandering the Earth, seeking and searching for the fullness of life, enjoyed through the boundless experiences we can have. So blessed I have been to walk with a Love of the Unknown and a ceaseless curiosity. Joining the Mission meant having my entire reality reconfigured, all my perceptions removed, reorganized, realigned, my entire consciousness upgraded, transformed. This Mission, is to know and feel all – IT IS TO BE FULL.

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