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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Message to Lightworkers ~ June 26th, 2017

These energies with you now are, as you have seen, of the kind to pull away illusions and false fronts. This frightens and disturbs those who depend upon the mask they have created for themselves, as it surprises or troubles you to suddenly see their shadow aspect. Understand that no one comes to you without purpose. Either they have some Light to share as a friend would, or some healing to offer, or some healing or Light they are asking for from you. And so bless all, and Love all, and know that whatever they may say or do, they express not your path or personage, but themselves and their own path. This is not for you to decipher or solve. It is for you — even for all of us — to bless and release. There are no energetic “caves and tunnels” to hide in anymore in Earth life. All is open now; all is honesty and increasing awareness

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