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Paradise On Earth Now!

--- Meditate on this! --- NEW EARTH COUNCIL (In The Process Of Forming): Earth Dollar, World Summit, Free World Charter, Free World One, New Earth New You Now, Awakening Sovereignty Collective, Enlightened Conversations, Lightworker Advocate Magazine, Infinite Love In Motion, Peace Love & Unity, New Earth Nation, Ubuntu, United Earth, Transition, Noomap, Minds,, Local Earth, Ceptr, Venus Project, Thrive, Zeitgeist, Prepare For Change, Unify, Bloom Network, Conscious Media Coalition, Collective Evolution, The Shift Network, Uplift, Evolver Social Movement, Portal To Ascension, Tribalize, Portal To The New Earth, One Love Experience, Guardian Alliance, Wake Up World, Our Bee Well, Diamonds Network, Fruit The World, TimeRepublik, Focus Fitness & Fun, Lady Harmony, Peaceful Ninjas, Peace Sticks, NuMondo, HOPEvolve, Angel Feather Vision, Earth Restoration Camps / Eco Villages, Inspire Unity Movement, Green Earth Vision/ City, Kamini Music, 2017 Galactic Nesara Disclosure, Intuitive Healer, WalkYourSpirit, Into The Mythica, Tangle Lab Mentorship and Impact Investing, Inspired Living Events, Tesla Sustainable Village and Innovation Centre, Sacred Spaces add here- Contact Us- MAUI is calling us home, to build the Resource-Based Economic System, for the Completion of Paradise On Earth

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ The Great Unmasking of the False & True Lightworkers

There has been much being brought up into the forefront within each of your lives and on collective level. We have mentioned before, all that doesn’t resonate with your soul is being revealed, as opportunities for transformation and growth. Many have grown stronger from these experiences. We wish to share the changes from this growth and transformation, as many are feeling the difference. A great change within. This journey is about the inner healing, which in turns affect the collective. Let us delve deeper into these changes, and how it affect the lightworker community, both in service to Love and those not in service. As always, awareness transforms into consciousness. READ MORE...

Ascension Update ~ Energies of May 2017, Reconnecting With Our Original Adamic DNA

This intense month of May, Earth is finally beginning to merge with its 5D body, which until recently was just another possibility, for it all depends on the course we, as a collective, take. It has not been easy, to summon our hearts as One in order to create a massive frequency alignment impact - powerful enough to diverge from the old 3D Earth and finally anchor our new frequency into a Higher Resonance Octave of Love. As we keep bifurcating from the Old 3D Earth, we are not simply experiencing a quantum leap between different dimensions, but the conscious retrieval that some of us are intentionally making, of reconnecting with our original Adamic DNA codes, to manifest the true potential of our human race. READ MORE...

The Light is Pouring Over You. Your bodies Are Being Woken Up to Their Natural Form

The light is pouring over you now and your bodies are being woken up to their pure natural form. Take care of what comes up. Feel that the body is willing to let go of all old negativity and wants to go towards the light. This is also what you have chosen in your heart. All the clarity that emerges when the light pours into your body is needed now on our dear Earth. The light that helps our body to ripple clear cleansed water gives us the strength we need now. It helps us see clearly and understand which path that you are supposed to follow. It gives us strength and courage to follow this path. This planet has started to release its chains and you are a big part of this. READ MORE...

True Reality is a Very Simple Concept That is Absolutely Perfect in Every Way

The human collective is presently dealing with the enormous task of releasing eons worth of “core issues” individually. Issues of hatred, bitterness, resentment, jealousy and judgment. Because you have judged yourself so negatively for so long it has become very ingrained within you – especially if you have said or done things to prove the rightness of that judgment – and so it is difficult at first to surrender into the Love instead of hiding from it in shame at your firm belief in your unchanging unworthiness. It seems that nothing you do changes the situation. And that, of course, is true. You cannot change the situation because there is no situation to change, there is only Love, and it is You. READ MORE...

Arcturian Council of Light ~ Light Has ‘Won’ within You NOW

The light and connection is available to you now, you simply must have the intention to align to it, that is all. A simple truth, a simple state of being, as more and more of you are now seeing. You are now seeing this by FEELING it more and more on a daily basis through being a new existence, a new you, an evolved version who is out and about of the shell you once were so masked in. Your vibrational truth has a lot to do with who you ARE and we want to expand on this for you. Light has ‘won’ within you NOW, in this present state, and we ask that you continue to feel into this in your ever present state. We ask that you send love to all of the vibrations you ‘used to be’, as that truth frequency will continue to set you ‘free’. READ MORE...

As We Shift ~ Attacks, Dracos and You

Individual light workers and warriors are being targeted and the effect manifests differently for each person. It may show up as illness or anxiety or accident. In all cases, it produces stress and the goal, in fact, is to disable/even eliminate the light worker/warrior. It is in this light that I offer the following description/introduction of the Draco. Some of it you may have heard. Much of it was new for me. It is not an easy read, and I am sorry for that. With knowledge comes power. This is not a typical post for me, yet I felt that it could help someone. It is not meant to advocate war or battle or polarity. It is data. These are unusual times, and there are not any road maps. READ MORE...

My Awakening from the Matrix, Accepting the Unbearable Truth

We are all the victims of mass propaganda and brainwashing. It has reached the point whereby families choose to believe the media and the governments of the world, rather than their own families and friends who are waking up to the truth. I do not blame the brainwashed public. I was just the same until recently. The truth can be frightening and I can see why people want to avoid it. Once you know the truth, you can never go back, even if you want to. The truth cannot be unseen — once you see it, the truth stays with you forever. And trust me, the truth will come out in the end — it always does. 

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ The Great Unmasking of the False & True Lightworkers

There has been much being brought up into the forefront within each of your lives and on collective level. We have mentioned before, all that doesn’t resonate with your soul is being revealed, as opportunities for transformation and growth. Many have grown stronger from these experiences. We wish to share the changes from this growth and transformation, as many are feeling the difference. A great change within. This journey is about the inner healing, which in turns affect the collective. Let us delve deeper into these changes, and how it affect the lightworker community, both in service to Love and those not in service. As always, awareness transforms into consciousness. READ MORE...

Sananda & OWS ~ This is The Season of Change, The Season of Birth

It is wonderful to be with you here in this time, in this moment. The times that are growing very short as we find it here. You are in the midst, in the moment of a great many changes to happen to your world, to you as individual, your individual world. So much is happening, so much is changing, so much is developing within you and outside of you. So many things that you are yet unaware of … they are happening regardless and you are the catalyst for all of this. This is the time of the season — the season of change, the season of birth. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ Dimensional Shift Has Taken Place and is Still in Progress

A dimensional Shift has occurred and we are now existing on a brand new timeline. What does this mean? It means the Universe has catapulted us into a new state of consciousness, a new awareness. This has occurred because of the overflowing expanded consciousness that has taken place with the many beings of Earth. This occurred because of the overwhelming Love that now exists in the Earth Realm. We have experienced Geo Magnetic Storms for the past 2 months almost continuously that have helped us achieve our new upgraded level of awareness. These storms help us to achieve upgraded DNA which then in turn builds the LIGHT Body. READ MORE...

Mercury’s Influence ~ Cracking Open New Paradigms

Mercury retrograde transpired in the midst of a major celestial restructuring with many planets changing direction in the heavens at once, the result of which is propelling us to manifest new, wise life choices. (Merged together, these two planets are forming a Grand Trine with Saturn and the North Node of the Moon which will be fully activated in May.) A change of direction for any planet carries the strongest impact, so watch for Mercury’s influence on your life in the next two weeks. You are cracking open new paradigms in those areas of your life. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ Sacred Union Codes Coming In!

Sacred Union Codes Coming In! We felt these words coming from our guides today as we lay out in the sun together. These vibrational codes that are coming in via the sun are really an invitation, as well as the event that the invitation heralds. They invite us into deeper union with masculine and feminine energies in relationship expression with a mate (although there is a ‘with yourself’ invitation of course here too that is critical to embrace and embody the inner feminine and masculine.) These codes from Divine Source/Universe invite us into this experience of Sacred Union from a higher vibrational frequency of HEALTHINESS that hasn’t been possible before. READ MORE...

Sunat Kumara ~ Love is Winning

There is new life, new joy, new experience on the planet, planetary logos Sunat Kumara said on the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel. The quotient of love is growing exponentially. The only choice we have is to align with the Mother’s love. Anything else makes life difficult. Love is winning on Earth. You are entering into a beautiful new realm and chapter of existence. READ MORE...

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ The Expansion of Your Consciousness

Reaching beyond where you have ever been before is a surefire way to bring yourselves to a higher state of consciousness. Everything that you experience on your world gives you cause to reach beyond. It brings you a sense of joy, excitement and purpose to take yourselves to new levels and to experience new things. In order to do that, you must expand your consciousness, because at the current moment your consciousness is in direct harmony with what you are experiencing. There is a direct correlation. So to have new experiences and to experience yourselves in a new way, the expansion of your consciousness is a requirement. So how do you consciously expand your consciousness? READ MORE...

Spiritual Shaming is the New Black

Have you had someone accuse you of ‘not being spiritual’ because you would not give them advice or support when they asked for it? Or have they suggested that you were being spiritually selfish because you said ‘no’ to their request for your time, energy, and efforts? It has happened to me too and it makes me laugh, although I think it’s very inappropriate, especially among the spiritual community, because it’s a judgment that no one can make and it is a negative reflection on the accuser, not you. Spiritual shaming is the new black and it’s all about your energy boundaries. It’s a form of manipulation which implies that your spiritual connection, talents, and abilities are in question. READ MORE...

5 Crucial Things to Do, to Assist in The Shift to The New Earth

Many people are seeing the evidence that we are undergoing the shift to a New Earth right now. Since we have never done it this way before in awakened consciousness, it may not seem like you expected it to. In order to bring the final shift closer into our reality, there are some important steps you can take to assist in blending the two realities for Earth and humanity. As the old matrix crumbles and we bring in the New Earth energies in to merge with our reality, we want to focus on. READ MORE...

From: Points Of Attention 🦋

Friday, April 28, 2017

April New Moon in Taurus ~ Asking Us to Connect with Mother Earth, Ground in Her Beauty & Energy

This Taurus New Moon….is asking us to embody Mother Earth….to Ground in her beauty and feel her energy.  This Taurus New Moon is a quite New Moon as it doesn’t make any aspects to any other planets.  It is Peaceful and serene.  It embodies all of Taurus’s energy without being altered by any other connection.  True Taurus!    Your senses will be heightened….    Go outside and listen to nature….enjoy the sounds of the birds, the wind, and water.  Let you feet touch the Earth…let your feet “kiss” the Earth with merging energies.  We have been in a whirlwind of chaotic energies over the past several weeks.  This Taurus New Moon is asking us to relax, be with the Earth. READ MORE...

Ascension Update ~ Reclaiming Your Personal Power

Your power resides in the Now, in the capacity of BEing fully present in the moment. To transform your life and regenerate yourself, it is essential to first dissolve all the false inner beliefs that impede realisation of who you truly are and the power given to you, to create. Changing your life is done through constantly letting it all go and being at all times aware of who controls your life and who does not. When one feels lack of self-love and respect for the self (an individualized aspect of Source who is immensely loved and appreciated by the Divine) one cannot use his/her power properly, for it has already been given to others or external forces. READ MORE...

The Golden Ones ~ Unity with SELF, Part 2: Unity Consciousness

Gaia is in preparation to finally be released from all third/fourth dimensional patterns. Hence, She is asking Her humans, who are supposedly Her most evolved creatures, to remember, and clear up, all past incarnations. From your third/fourth dimensional consciousness, you would not be able expand your consciousness beyond time to enter the NOW in which your fifth dimensional consciousness can perceive ALL your myriad lives as different expressions of your true Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, the Ascending Ones are NOW remembering their fifth dimensional consciousness, as well as their fifth dimensional SELF that has been assisting them from “above” for most of their life. READ MORE...

What’s Happening is Almost Invisible… Quantum Solar Shift, The Schuman Resonance and More...

What’s Happening is Almost Invisible… But We See and Feel the Effects of the Transmutations Everything is moving. Everything is changing—including us. Transmutation of energy is inevitable and unavoidable. Jordan Sather has done a superb explanation of The Shift and why and how it is happening. His version of the physics behind the transformation of our sun is a beautiful lead-in to what Cobra has alluded to when he said, “the sun is about to sneeze”. When that happens, it will set off a chain reaction. I don’t believe anyone knows precisely when that will happen—just that it’s very close. Our sun is a crucial catalyst for change. The wait is frustrating, and many are feeling it acutely now. READ MORE...

New Roles for Divine Changemakers ~ New Energy Thresholds

With each passing week in 2017, the world's energetic climate has become more chaotic and less certain - with crisis arising with such regularity that it can begin to feel normal. In this article I outline a fresh approach to viewing and moving through these unprecedented times. As humanity moves through new energy thresholds - like the next one occurring in May during Wesak season - intensities can amplify and the need for new choices is accentuated. This is on both a personal and collective level. With each threshold comes an opportunity to make really big shifts. This where you as a divine changemaker come into the equation. READ MORE...

Twin Flame Energy Report ~ When God Chooses to Bring Twin Flames Together, It Will Happen

We come forward in this hour of your time with much to share with you dear ones. For the sensitive among you, you will be aware that there has been vast changes occurring in the electromagnetic grid that surrounds Gaia and this is even being measured by your crude 3D instruments. What is known as the Schumann resonance has now spiked at 90 Hz which is unprecedented.  Please note that your planet is aligning with the frequency that it was vibrating at before the great fall of Atlantis and this is crucial for you all to know as there is a huge connection with that timeline and what is occurring for many of the 144,000 illumined twin flame soul group. READ MORE...

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ Let The Animal Kingdom Guide You

There has been a shift going on in the consciousness of what you would refer to as the animal kingdom. The Earth is shifting, which means the plant and mineral kingdoms are shifting as well. And the animal kingdom is shifting along with the human collective. Many of you have an affinity for a pet, or several pets, and many of you feel a resonance with the animal life that you have on planet Earth. You recognize the high frequency that these beings are putting out. You see them as beings of service, because that’s what they are, and you feel attracted to their energy because they not only ground you to planet Earth with the energy they give off, but they also help you to attain and maintain a higher frequency state. READ MORE...

Carl Jung ~ The 11:11 Synchronicity

The definition of synchronicity was originally developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. Jung co-defined the word to describe what he called “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events.” Jung variously described synchronicity as an “‘acausal connecting principle’” (i.e., a pattern of connection that cannot be explained by conventional, efficient causality), “meaningful coincidence” and “acausal parallelism”. Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were not merely due to chance but, instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic. READ MORE...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Archangel Michael ~ On The Cusp of a Massive Evolutionary Spike in Human Consciousness

You are on the cusp of a massive evolutionary spike in Human Consciousness. You held and arranged the space for this to occur, and occur it will. You are bringing forth wisdom and information that has been “hidden” for eons. The time is right - the time is NOW. You will experience some of your greatest triumphs in these next coming months. For many, this has been a long process and some have given up just before the end line was insight. For those who have stayed the distance and continued on against all the obstacles that appeared on your pathway, YOU will reap rewards beyond your wildest imaginings. READ MORE...

Saint Germain & OWS ~ Everything is Shifting... Consciousness is Shifting & Evolving

Know that as you continue this process, this continuing training process, you are being trained just as we were in our time. We are all in this together my brothers and sisters. We are all in this together to move ahead, to march forth, everything now is in front of you. Everything is there just, just a little beyond your reach. But yet if you reach far enough you will pull in the prize. As Sananda has been saying you will cross the finish line. You only need to be patient a little while longer for everything is in motion. Everything is shifting. Consciousness is shifting. Consciousness is evolving. You as consciousness are evolving. You are becoming all you came here to be. READ MORE...

Message to Lightworkers ~ April 25th 2017

You are indeed such, though it may appear at times that you are stymied by one demand or another. Perhaps a larger than usual bill has arrived, or your job offers few hours, or is gone completely now. Or perhaps some other situation has built in intensity—mounting debts, or a car that must be repaired—so that you can no longer put off a large expenditure. The energy of money on the planet is in a place of chaos, disruption and complete renewal at the moment, because all of its systems and structures are being routed out and replaced. READ MORE...

The Cosmic Stargate ~ Applying Knowledge to Gain Wisdom

The alchemical transmutation of emotions, karma and trauma into Divine Love can turn our baggage into our greatest strengths. These energies support the process of transforming discomfort, doubts, fears, mental pollution, and personal belief systems into alignment with the New Template. This is the alchemical process of creating the New Temple of the Divine. Stronger physical symptoms on a collective level indicate the clearing of a collective etheric level. More light can get in. There is accelerated transmutation within the unified field as the alignment of the Stargates and timeline split occurs. READ MORE...

April New Moon in Taurus ~ Time to Set Your Goals for Your New Life

Something is over. You're changing. You have new ideas, new goals - those are important because now, you're starting to be really ready to hear. Something is trying to find you - here, down the Earth. It's not anymore that much about dreaming half-awake, instrospecting alone or staying in the higher realms. Now the energies want you to find solid ground so that magic can manifest. They want you to be still, so that What's meant for you can find the road back to Yourself. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ Sacred Union Codes Offer Self Healing and Completion

The codes are coming in offering sacred union love, the love of SELF ultimately that overflows into the love WITH other that creates a union. We are being invited into this sacred love with union of inner and outer, to begin with the unionizing of aspects of SELF....from the shadow to the light, to those from the Stars to those from childhood, those aspects that we have embraced and BEcome our persona and unaware ego and those that arise from our soul and higher self, those that are connected to 3D frequencies and those that vibrate much higher. The codes for sacred unions are BEing downloaded now and you feel them if you are meant to feel them. READ MORE...

New Moon in Taurus April 2017 ~ Falling in Love

Mercury is still retrograde until May 3rd and is conjunct to Uranus - asking you to release old patterns of thinking that haven't been serving you and create a whole new paradigm for yourself. After all, you do create your own reality. What are your dreams? For yourself and for humanity? Do you believe they can happen?  LOVE is the key. When you love the food you are about to eat, when you love the water you are about to drink, when you love the clothes you are about to put on, when you can see the world from a perspective of love, and especially treat yourself with love, your world will come alive, and you will be able to make more compassionate choices. READ MORE...

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The 5D Report ~ Temple of GOD: The New Body Matrix

To open to this next, pivotal phase in our lives we all had our asses handed to us have been moving thru a major internal reset that is not quite complete…ie, we will continue to spend the next couple of weeks getting our bearings before we can really rock ourselves out of the ruts we created for our resurrection. Yes, believe it or not we are STILL having to clear out the old in order to bring thru our new (galactic) blueprints/imprints and next we will be called to make space in our physical lives which means May will likely be a very productive month of decluttering, organizing, eliminating any excess/external chaos…anything that holds the energy of the past will now seem very expired, very out of place. READ MORE...

New Moon in Taurus, April 26th, 2017 ~ Powerful Alchemy

The New Moon in Taurus on April 26th, 2017 at 9:16 am ADT ~ is a powerful ONE ~ a powerful opportunity to go deep into any fears that are holding you back and to then transform this fear into Self Love. This is the process of Memory Transformation within your DNA. Prepare to meet a deeper more hidden aspect of yourself, CONSCIOUSLY to be held in love. Whether it shows up as bitterness, jealousy, anger..Its all the same, the base substance to be transformed. READ MORE...

Final Event Energies Update 04~25~17: The Crossroads is Here! Release of More Energies

During these Glorious Moments of The Full Planetary Ascension. Keep in your heart Some May leave the Planet in Numbers as we Proceed into Complete 5D Reality, WHICH IS LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT. The reason for many leaving is the Intense Energy Increase that is Now Penetrating from the very core of Mother Earth=Heart, which is now pouring out through the surface of the planet, through vortex's and portals and getting assistance from other planetary bodies, as well as, from the Many Fleets of our Starships & Family cloaked in the atmosphere. Vast amounts of light are pouring out and in and is now being picked up by physical monitoring systems. READ MORE...

Parallel Timelines in Play!

April we experienced 5 planets traveling reverse or retrograde, creating an intense review process into the depths of the human psyche. This has brought up many questions regarding the realm of truth and non-truth. It has been very revealing! We are in the midst of a massive global timeline collapse, as we shift into a parallel 5D timeline. The two world timelines are banging against each other, as those firmly locked into the lower earth holograms are rigidly holding onto past beliefs/realities. This is the basis for the current conservative movement – to conserve past holograms, to hang onto the past. It is spreading across international politics and policies, in a last ditched effort to keep the collapsing timeline alive. READ MORE...

Cosmic Weather - New Moon Report for 4~25~17

All New Moons are excellent for "seeding" future resources and projects, this one especially so. Taurus energy is creatively grounded and very much about the earth plane. It also has a beautiful goddess energy, with Venus as its planetary ruler. The Sabian Symbol for 7 Taurus is: A woman of Sumeria at an ancestral well. This symbol has to do with drawing from past influences, but also transmuting them into LOVE. This also is a powerful continuation of the Christ Consciousness energies that were present during the Easter portal quite literally, with a very high recorded spike in the vibrational frequencies on Earth. READ MORE...

In Case You Wondered… Yes, the Energies Have Been Intense!

I keep getting emails, questions in sessions, and private texts from clients, friends and family asking me what the heck is up with the recent energies. Yes, they have been VERY intense! Some people have been using these energies as rocket fuel for positive changes. Others have felt overwhelmed by sudden health crises, major relationship flare-ups, mandatory evacuations, and “out of the blue” switcheroo’s. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ The Masks Have Fallen Off!

The masks have now 'fallen off' well and truly in Spirit energetically and so in linking with the human, this will no longer suffice to cope and manage! This is so very huge! I am talking energetically in the last 24hours and from recent energies leading up to this. So much of the Ancient/Ancestry energy is being healed and with this is the human experience and then also our Spirits experience and then linking the two with a connection to the Divine and Gaia as well. Fear of stepping into one's own Power or Self-Empowerment in the human as well as spirit and linking the two is so very BIG right now. READ MORE...

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ The Truth Shall Set You Free

When you say one thing but mean another you are not just deceiving the other person or people that you are communicating with. You are showing a lack of respect for yourself. Your authenticity is part of the truth of who you are, and the truth of who you are is not to be diminished or covered up in any way. You are here to know yourselves more fully, and in order to do that, you must be willing to accept yourselves as you are. The practice of lying, or not telling the whole truth, is quite disempowering. Usually it is an attempt to gain an advantage of some sort, but it is misguided, and you are not gaining anything by not being true to yourself and others. READ MORE...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Council of Light ~ Energy Update, Incoming Intense Waves of Energies

You have and are continuing to receive intense waves of energies, to activate your 12 strands of DNA and your higher vibrational human vessel. Many of you have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions and physical symptoms, lately. Dear Ones, this is the time to continue to release all emotions of the 3D Illusionary matrix with love and compassion. When you become aware of them, simply use any healing method that is working for you, or request the presence of your Arcturian healing team. READ MORE...

The Light Has Reached The Earth and Everything is Changing

The light has reached the Earth and everything is changing in a day. Your experience feels maybe different, but from our perspective it can be described in this way. An incredibly fast change of your Earth is happening now. Layer after layer has been cleansed in your hearts and minds. The Love portal in your heart it is only you that can release. It is the key to your higher dimension. Understand that the last and most beautiful key, you carry it yourselves. This is the one you will start to use now to turn the lock and let a ray of the clearest of light come through. This is all that is needed for the path to open up. It is a matter of the will to turn the key and push a little on the door. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ You Are Ready to Be Surprised

The energies seem to ask us, relentlessly "so now that you know what you don't want and that you've taken your power back - what are you doing?!" Know that it always was a process, and it won't land faster if you push. It won't land in two hours, but it could evolve soon actually. So feel the way you want to feel in that happy picture, be the energy of what you want to experience. And notice what truly matters to you, keep track. Don't loose faith because you can't see. And take heart, You're ready to be surprised. READ MORE...

The Arcturian Group ~ Intense Light Energy Are Now Flowing to Earth

Increasingly intense levels of Light energy are now flowing to earth for the purpose of assisting Gaia and all who choose, to move forward in their ascension journey. Never doubt that you are in body now because you chose it. You recognized the value of being on earth during these times of tremendous opportunity to complete any remaining unfinished business with others, clear old cellular memory, experience Gaia’s as well as your own ascension, and at the same time be of service to others. Be patient dear ones, and do not let yourselves become overwhelmed with discouragement for you are in the midst of intense inner and outer cleansing at this time. READ MORE...

Fear Mongers Without Power

Perhaps your new emotional outlook is not quite what you expected. Even though you might be angrier or more joyful than you anticipated, it does not matter. For any shift within your being is an indication that the energies now pummeling earth are shifting you to new you in the New Earth. The earth upheavals continue but in a different light than you experienced while of earth in any lifetime. So it is that your belief patterns reiterate within you whenever you are reviewing the latest ‘so-called’ non-loving action that all is lost, that again, you are trying to shift earth to no avail. Even though the exact opposite is happening. READ MORE...

Council of Angels ~ Raising of Energetics Frequencies in Love & Unity Consciousness

This high frequency energy comes from the Galactic Central Sun, as well as the photon belt of the galaxy that your planet is moving through at this point in your timeline of “Now” time. The evolution of Mother Earth and the beings upon her is now rapidly increasing in tandem with the increasing of the high vibrational energy inside and around your planet. This high frequency energy is the catalyst for the ascension of your planet herself – for your planet, remember, is a sentient being – as well as for the beings living upon your planet. Any being that is not in alignment or harmony with this energetic frequency will continue to have a very difficult time existing upon your planet. READ MORE...

Facing The Shadow Self ~ Do THIS To Understand Your True Inner Fears

To conquer our emotions, we must embrace them, not fight them. We must acknowledge them, and allow them to serve their purpose as we learn from them. Our relationships with one another, with the Universe, and situations and events are mirrors of parts of our psyche that needs to be cleansed. It is important to know that when you FEAR loss, FEAR death, FEAR change, your giving others the ability to control you based on those FEARS. When you fight against Poverty or against Racism ~ when you fight for Relationships or for Freedom, you are outwardly attempting to repress that which has been placed before you to conquer inwardly. These situations are mirrors of our fears. This is why it’s important to LOVE, and only LOVE. READ MORE...

Monday, April 24, 2017

NOW is The Time ~ We Move into The Age of Aquarius

We have been in preparation of this since we started our human experiences. Each soul going back into the "playground" of humanity in an attempt to clear all karmic debt and remember their Divinity whilst still in human form, and then embody their Soul to walk on Earth as Sovereign Beings. Heaven on Earth is Here, NOW. All you have to do is go inwards and find your way back home. Unify your higher heart and body and start living from a place of love. Know that you are fully supported. We all have a purpose. All those that are awakening now, and that complete their Soul Integration will successfully fulfill all their visions, dreams and aspirations. We have moved into the Age of Aquarius. READ MORE...

Taurus New Moon, April 2017 ~ Sense of Your Own Worth to Shift

What’s coming into being for you? That’s the focus and the growth potential of the 2017 Taurus New Moon. This Moon, in the first, most primal earth sign of the zodiac, invites attention to the physical circumstances of your life. A thought or a look is almost not enough. It’s time to cultivate, immerse, experience, enjoy, touch, taste and savor — and set up the conditions that will bring you more. A newly honed awareness is at work of what it is you actually want. Have you noticed that your preferences aren’t what they were? That certain foods or activities have lost their appeal, while others have to come to the fore? That your sense of your own worth has shifted into something more … worthy? READ MORE...

April 2017 New Moon in Taurus ~ Magic in The Making

A special moment is in the making as we get ready to embrace the April 2017 New Moon. The New Moon this month is going to be Cazimi —which adds a little more luck or magic (of some sort) into the air. Despite all the retrograde nonsense, the universe is aligning to give us a nice little pop. Retrogrades indeed make us go back – but this April New Moon is something to look forward to. Many of us out there need a new twist in our ever changing stories and that’s precisely what’s in store. READ MORE...

Choice and Ascended Masters ~ We Choose in Every Moment

There is an ongoing Transformation occurring for each of us. It affects our energy, as this Transformation reaches into our cells. It can make us tired and even depressed, for the Light helps to push out the old limitations. As we trust the process and allow it to occur; we flow with the changes rather than fight against them. Be gentle with yourself. Do not push, but surrender. Breathe deeply. As you do, you allow for this Transformation to occur gracefully. When you push, you create resistance. So let go and allow. We choose in every moment. READ MORE...