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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Energy Update ~ The Cycle of Joy by Jenny Schiltz

Some of your stuff doesn’t fit in your new space and you must let it go. It’s the resistance to letting go that causes us so much suffering. It’s akin to the box of stuff that I don’t know where it will fit that I keep stubbing my toe on. It’s time to just let it go. Give yourself the permission to change and grow without judgement. It is ok to not know who you are and where you are headed. Explore yourself without putting labels onto the experience. Parts of your life feel too small and that you need to expand your reality to compliment who you are becoming. The feeling that you need friends who “get it”, a job that is more in line with who you are, or simply letting go of those in your life who you no longer resonate with. READ MORE...

Transmission From The Blue Avians, 06~29~16

The frequencies are now ready for this complete transmission and embodiment, of the higher dimensions. As the Light and Love consciousness, that embodies the creation. The stillness and observing aspects of the higher consciousness, is opening wider, even through mass consciousness now. As the Light Geometry is descending. Together the body and the consciousness represents many dimensions. The consciousness transforms the body. No longer does the body rule the consciousness. This is the full love aspect, reaching through, like the sun rising, within you. READ MORE...

Resisting Love... Surrender!

I was wondering if I was the only one challenged these days. Issues, self-inflicted wounds, general grouchiness. And then, in my mind’s eye, I saw this gigantic tsunami bearing down on all of us and sweeping everything away. No one escaped it. It made everything else irrelevant. And I said to myself, anyone who resists this tsunami of love is going to add to their suffering. If I resist it by having an issue with someone, it’ll break me. If I allow it to sweep me away, I’ll be liberated from all this. The reason we’re not aware of the tsunami is that it’s happening gradually in our timeframe. It’s slower than the slowest movie reel. But eventually it’ll sweep all in its path. READ MORE...

Ascension Update Report: Urgent Message From Father of Creation, 06~29~16

Ascension Update Report: Urgent Message From Father of Creation, 06~29~16

My Experience at The LoveHasWon Mission House by Penny Truman

This past week I was honored with the most GRAND gift of my entire life. I had the honor of being in the presence of our MOTHER OF CREATION. It was absolutely mind/EGO blowing (bomb) . Watching what this beautiful loving and courageous women goes through on a daily basis for all of humanity made my heart swell up out of my chest and I felt love like I have never felt before. READ MORE...

Mars Direct ~ The Energetic Shift We’ve Been Waiting For is Here

Mars stations direct on June 29, 2016 after being retrograde since April 17th!  These past few months have challenged us to slow down, embrace introspection in key areas, and hold off on any major decisions. Mars goes into a retrograde phase every two years. What exactly is a retrograde phase and how does it impact you?  Many of you may have used this time to reflect on parts of your life vs. taking action and making quick decisions or implementing extreme changes.  Mars also has a protective energy and typically defends its beliefs and values.  During this time you may have gravitated toward questioning your beliefs and then assessing which ones you want to defend and hang onto and those you can let go of. READ MORE...

The Council ~ Time for Some Straight Talk

As always, we are aware that much of what we speak about will not be new to many of you. However, it may be for others, and we ask that you allow us to point out a few things. We wish to discuss the violent acts that some on your world commit in the name of their gods. And we would include violent speech and violent thoughts, as well. While we are about it, let us also include the drive to control the acts and thoughts of others who do not choose to live as one would wish them to. Can you imagine that they are acting out of fear and immense insecurity? In order to explain what we mean, let us share some of the sort of unconscious thought that goes into these sorts of responses to life. READ MORE...

Our Earth Journey

We are swiftly arousing from a perception of separation that we allowed to envelop us slowly and steadily over innumerable incarnations, generations and moments. How else does one find themselves in this adventure seemingly separated from the very love and compassion that it intuitively knows it is made from? Beings so filled with loving potential would never knowingly create devastation, annihilation and obliteration with one another – it is neither rational nor logical. Unless of course, over time we simply forgot who we are. Deep within the very heart of our being, the spark of love is growing brighter and it is calling out to us. One by one, we are steadily emerging into the realization that our very essence is divine in nature. READ MORE...

Archangel Michael ~ Attention

Placing your attention on something activates it, gives it more life, more energy. Giving your attention is like spending your money. It is putting energy towards something, and hopefully, for your sake, it is something you want to experience more of. You are capable of altering any situation with your attention to it. But there is more to it than just your attention, because you can put your attention on something and resist it, or you can put your attention on something and celebrate it, love it, and adore it. So whichever you choose will determine the outcome of the attention that you are placing in a certain direction. READ MORE...

Angelic Guidance Beyond The Words

Have you ever had a dream about your angels, gotten a message from them, and woke up not really remembering what it was? Or maybe you’ve listened to an Angel Session and received some pertinent insight… But then after the meditation, it was gone? This is really more common than you might think. So… you want to know why this is? It’s not because you’re doing anything wrong… and it’s not that you’re just not meant to receive angelic guidance either. Rather, it’s because the incredible Truth of the angels happens beyond words. READ MORE...

Cannabis Cures Three Common Cancers

Although campaigns against cancer are more visible for female cancers, such as breast and cervical cancers, men are more commonly affected by cancer than women. Men also have a higher mortality rate from cancer than women. Cannabinoids in the system, as well as lifestyle changes can help. The most common cancers in men, according to the US SEER database are lung, prostrate, colectoral, bladder, melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, thyroid and kidney cancers. READ MORE...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

From: Points Of Attention 🦋

Mary Magdalene ~ Feminine Energy of Fullness

The Feminine is most definitely about fullness. In some of your older cultures that were very Feminine-based, you would see images of the Feminine with huge bellies, very round and full, because that was the force of life and birth. A woman who is pregnant and about to give birth is the icon of the Feminine in fullness. You have images of the Feminine as your Earth in its fullness. Truly, all of manifestation is the Feminine. The Feminine and the Masculine are two faces of God. READ MORE...

Adjusting to Recent 'Collective' Vibrational Shift

Many souls are now starting to feel the New Empowerment energy that came in, as humanity has shifted. This is affecting us vibrationally. Individually and as a collective as well. The more we fully embrace our shadow sides in the human AND spirit, the more clearer our human vessel is, for us to have a purer and clearer connection not only to our spirit but to the Creator/Divine Source - coming from Unconditional Love. We are another wave of Newer Insight and depth for humanities ascension and those after us even more so. Yet this is OUR time here and now. READ MORE...

Message From The First Contact Ground Crew: The Road to Full Consciousness

Right Now all of Humanity is in the Process of Becoming Full Consciousness. Some May leave the Planet in Numbers as we Proceed into Complete 5D Reality, WHICH IS LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT~ The reason for many leaving is the Intense Energy Increase that is Now Penetrating to the very core of Mother Earth=Heart which is Connected to All Human Beings On Planet Earth=Heart. This Divine Energy seeded here By Us, ,is Pure Love Energy to Awaken Each Being on This Planet. This Was Set in The Divine Plan as this Moment of Now for the Release of this Energy. What this is accomplishing is the dissolving of the program mind, and then The Real Being Emerges from this Experience. READ MORE...

Archangel Michael ~ The Law of Attraction

Beloved masters, it is of vital importance that you endeavor to incorporate the higher states of awareness, along with the will and Self-discipline needed to correctly implement the higher frequencies of truth into your physical, everyday life style in order to become a Master on the Path. Vital information for each incarnation is stored within the Soul-Seed Atom. However, the consciousness of the human personality must reach the required frequency patterns in order to access any advanced Cosmic information. Over time, desire is transformed into aspiration, and aspiration develops into a clear, definitive intuitive ability. READ MORE...


Awakening is the process of becoming conscious, in this regard I offer my abilities and experiences to help You become conscious of YourSelf and Your experiences in order to ensure that ALL of Your experiences begin serving You as they are meant to. WE ARE PREPARING EVERYONE FOR THEIR ASCENSION, WE OFFER ASCENSION SUPPORT & SPIRITUAL SURGERY. WE ALSO OFFER SPIRITUAL COACHING, COUNSELING AND TRAINING. READ MORE...

Archangel Zadkiel & Lady Amethyst ~ Oneness and Love

There is no division or separation in the Higher Realms. We are part of the great Oneness, just as you are. We each have our areas of specialty, just as you do on the Earth plane. You may know each of us by a particular vibration or by our special area of work. Each of us is a part of the fabric of Creation. If one thread were removed, there would be a gap. One thread is not more important than another. Each thread is playing its part in the greater plan of Creation. When we join our individual parts together, we form a complete picture of the Oneness of Creation. The quality that joins us is Love. READ MORE...

Living in Your New Reality

You will change nothing if you do not take the time to really and truly listen within. How can you experience anything other than what you have patterned yourself to experience unless you drop those old patterns of thought that you are still currently running and allow yourself room to create new thoughts and feelings that enrich you. COME ON. Stop Fooling Yourself. You change your thought first and then gather, explore and magnify the feelings you can currently generate that are associated with this new thought into a present moment experience that you can enjoy even though what the thought intends has not manifested yet. READ MORE...

The Hathors ~ Change Comes From Within

We want you to know that you are always constantly transforming, that the desire that you have to see a quicker transformation within yourselves is really what you are experiencing, because you cannot help but transform. There would be no point in you remaining in this incarnation if you were simply repeating the same over and over and being the same over and over. So that is not happening, but you are unable to perceive some of the more subtle changes that are occurring within you. READ MORE...

The Mysterious World of Synchronicity

What brought you here? Why in this very moment when you could be anywhere doing anything, is it that you have found yourself on this blog? Chances are that you saw the image and it made sense to you! Do you see 11:11? Does it boggle your mind and at times create weird and wonderful confusion? Are you struggling to make sense of its meaning? Don’t worry, I totally understand, and I hope this article can be of some comfort… This article is not going to be just about numerology, that is only a small part of the mysterious world of synchronicity. READ MORE...

Empowerment Through Sensitivity ~ The 10 Types Of Empaths

Our sensitivity can empower us in ways we can’t quite understand. Find out what kind of anempath you are and how you can become a better person through simple awareness. In today’s society, sensitivity is viewed as a weakness, which is kind of ironic because our sensitivity can be quite empowering. Although it is indeed correct that empaths cannot bully people or use brute force, they can however, protect, guide, heal, and deeply understand the people around them. In this way, they can gather incredible amounts of information and how they use this knowledge is at their discretion. Knowledge is, after all, the greatest power. READ MORE...

Learning To Be Kind To Yourself Has Remarkable Benefits

Human beings are the only creatures who can make themselves miserable. Other animals certainly suffer when they experience negative events, but only humans can induce negative emotions through self-views, judgments, expectations, regrets and comparisons with others. To understand what it means to be self-compassionate, think about what it means to treat another person compassionately, and then turn that same orientation toward oneself. Just as compassion involves a desire to minimise the suffering of others, self-compassion reflects a desire to minimise one’s own suffering and, just as importantly, to avoid creating unnecessary unhappiness and distress for oneself. READ MORE...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Planet Alert ~ July 2016

Astronomers told us in the past that we have a second sun that comes our way every few thousand years and it is called Nemesis. I read an article a few years ago that the Astronomers were working on figuring out when it would be here, and they came up with the year 2012. Then another article came out and said they had recalculated and it would be here by 2020. Well guess what? It is here now, and visible in our heavens at sunrise. Nostradamus told us a long time ago that at the end of the old system we would have two suns. We are living in a very exciting time period. I consider it a privilege to be living on Earth at this time of change. READ MORE...

Huge Day of Reflection on NEW EARTH RELATIONSHIPS

Yesterday was a huge day of reflection on NEW EARTH RELATIONSHIPS, why we come together, what roles we play, the purposes, when things work, when they don't, the balance that must be achieved by all from within, what we desire in various types of partners, how we all maintain balance as a compliment, not as a need... What it is that connects us energetically, which energies draw us together, which ones cause us to separate off to experience our chosen journeys apart.... Our NEW Earth Existence & Relationships are a transcendence of (co)dependency, complacency, lack and any "need" in every capacity. NEW Earth relationships are the opposite of human ones. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ POWERful Cosmic SOLar Sun Activations and Upgrade

We are on Day 3 of POWERful Cosmic SOLar Sun activations and upgrades. The Galactic Crystalline LightBody is doing soooo very much! Yesterday was pull completely away, can't be around anyone, reflect & observe, BE in silence... just see... Pure SOURCE Light means that anything NOT THIS is coming up for review, to see, to deal with... all from inside of you. Your physical reality world will reflect this back to you, your inner feelings will speak to you, your thoughts will show you any distortions if you are truly present with them. READ MORE...

PERMANENT Enhancement of Our Intuition

INTUITION - There is a focus right now on your intuitive and clairvoyant abilities. This usually signifies and amplification of this functioning. You may find yourself feeling more tapped-in to the cosmic energy field of information. This can include the sudden channeling of information from Celestial beings, an increase of predictive dreams, or sensing information from objects or your surroundings. Stay open through this flow. It is happening for a reason. Your are being attuned with higher ascension energies which are affecting the planet at this time. And yes, this will be a PERMANENT enhancement. READ MORE...

There Is No Escaping Evolution

You know when it’s overcast, cloudy, high humidity, foggy, raining or snowing how the sunlight doesn’t get through all that interference and reach Earth and us fully and directly? The same is true when the Sun is very active and spewing flares, CME’s, solar storms, solar winds etc. Those externalized solar energies reach Earth, humans and all life here but they’re usually reduced due to the strong and wild movements of those very energies. We’re effected by them alright, but they’re often diminished by the great forces and pressures taking place from them being so violently projected outwards into space. READ MORE...

The Arcturian Group ~ The Heart’s Already Present Frequencies

As the heart begins to open, dense self created energetic walls of protection that were formed around it as the result of past and present experiences, begin to dissolve. This allows the heart’s already present frequencies of love to flow forth, the result of which is often a whole new world view for the individual. The “new” person often does not even realize that anything has changed until he attempts to live as usual, and finds that he no longer resonates with much of it. READ MORE...

Your Heart, “The Higher Heart” is Already in The 5th Dimension

Everything is turning very quickly and many people feel today that they cannot quite keep up. They would like to stop time to catch up with themselves. It feels as if they have lost the footing and do not quite know who they are. Everything is happening so fast that the new self that is forming in their bodies feels strange and confusing. Unfortunately, you cannot stop time you can only through “the now” get the respite you need. However, you can be sure you will grow into your “new” body. This is taking place all the time, day and night. READ MORE...

Archangel Michael ~ Relationships

Your work together as friends, family, or lovers will be to access what you need to access to give you the experiences that you need to have. It is always part of your evolution to be involved with another in any way. When you let yourselves be completely open and receptive to all that the relationship has to give you, you make progress along your path. And sometimes the other person will come with you. And sometimes they will not. As much as you want to believe that you are responsible for each other, this is never actually the case. Having said that, please recognize that you are all here to exist as a collective and to honor each other. READ MORE...

Archangel Gabriel ~ God Exists In All Circumstances

The light of God is always shining and this Divine Light exists in all people, all things and all circumstances. Awareness of this Light will bring it into your consciousness, enabling you to see from an enlightened perspective. The Divine Presence is the very energy in which you live, move and have your being. This energy is infinite and all-encompassing and exists in all situations. This truth may be difficult to remember at times. In fact, it may appear as though there is nothing but darkness. However, remembering this Divine Power is available will bring light into every dark circumstance. READ MORE...

The Arcturians ~ Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 12: Your Expanded Sense of SELF

As you realize that you have found the way to rise above that which formerly held you down, you gain a sense of being—your independent, personal self. As you can realize that there are higher dimensional versions of your self who are in continual connection with you—you gain a sense of being your multidimensional self. As you gain a conscious connection with your own higher expressions of self—you gain a sense of being your Higher SELF. As you gain a conscious connection with your Higher SELF, you remember that you have come to Earth to assist with planetary ascension. READ MORE...

You Crossed the New You Rubicon

Much has shifted the past 24 hours. Early yesterday (June 26, 2016), we applauded your new, rapidly progressing, self-love abilities. Later yesterday, you internalized a self-love piece that seemed far in the future. You are now claiming your inner-power externally. Even though that concept has a different meaning for each of you, the piece that touches each is that you are no longer willing to be with anyone who does not share love or joy with you. Those interactions you once thought inevitable will shift to something new or disappear. And those you thought were joyful, but fleeting will expand. READ MORE...

Message for The Week 6~27~26: Power

This week’s message for the universe has to do with Power.  It is time to find that personal power within you and then unleash it allowing the world to see what you're truly made of. Since mid-April many of the planets have been in a retrograde phase, thus putting a hold on forward movement and major decisions.  Many of you have intuitively held off on making any major decisions during this time in the areas of love, work, life purpose, health & fitness programs, where you live and so forth. This incubation time was designed to give you some time to be introspective, release some baggage and connect with a higher version of you. READ MORE...

New Portals Through The Ascension Process ~ Higher Light Frequencies

New Powerful Portals are opening, expanding and downloading in consciousness. This is a very deep and powerful alchemy process. This is impacting all consciousness. The increase of Source Light Frequency, transmitted through the Central Sun (Spiritual Sun) Pleiades, is activating Portals of Consciousness, through which you are AWAKENING Through. This is the Accelerated Ascension Process.These Divine Source Light  Frequencies, are Soul Frequency patterns of Light, that awaken, the Ascended you, the Original Divine you, in form. This is transforming your cellular consciousness and form, to hold the Higher Original Frequencies of Light, that you are. READ MORE...

Monday, June 27, 2016

Archangel Michael ~ See the Truth of Who You Really Are!

We are calling the Age of Aquarius the Golden Age, but they are one and the same.  And the Truth is, it has dawned. It has begun!  It is known throughout your solar system, galaxy and, yes, even the Universe, in all of the Higher levels of Dimensionality. This is the destination of Planet Earth because it is its destiny. It is time for this destiny to be fulfilled and that is Truth!  And you all know it!You all know where Planet Earth is heading. You all know about the Golden Age and all of the wondrous, wondrous miracles that each and every one of you are here to create – to bring it about and to live it. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ Massive HUman Stargate Upgrades, Activations, Solar Plasma Emissions

Massive HUman Stargate Upgrades have been going all day. Huge Star particle activations, SOLar plasma emissions inside our body/brain. Huge magnetosphere tuning and charging, photonic light (drugged affect as DMT, melatonin & more release).... I went straight to sleep as soon as we finished the live group call today. No electronics around during this important process, as we emit EMF'S galore and all causes an interference while we up-tune fast and huge. Photonic Quantum Cells and crystals in our Crystalline Light body all charging huge. READ MORE...

The Art of Allowing by Nicky Hamid

You are a Divine Being at one in and One with the Source of All That Is. Pure Essence of Soul that you are… in other words YOU are transitioning to fully enter into your Heart, and your body form to merge and blend, to be a Radiant Presence at Home in HUman expression. There is absolutely no way your ‘little” mind can either comprehend or control any of it. Who do you think you are. Let us first remember that there is nothing that you need to know or to accomplish in any mindy way. That illusionary way is done and over with. READ MORE...

Lord Sunat Kumara ~ June Solstice and The Message of Truth and Unity

We are enhancing a beautiful momentum of Heart Gateway into more profound ways. This Solstice stream and energy influx of June was seeded with Galactic codes from the Galactic Center and this brings out a massive awakening in consciousness for humanity. Of course to see the results of this takes time as it brings about many changes on the inner plane within one’s heart and mind. So, all in all, this period of awakening integration will span a few weeks to several months before you will start to see more tangible results. Nevertheless these codes have all been seeded and this means there is no turning back. READ MORE...

Archangel Gabriel ~ Raising Your Vibration

By listening to your own words, you can discover what vibration you are holding. Every action that you take is also a clue. Every emotion that you feel gives you an indication of your current vibration. And of course, the thoughts that you think resonate with your vibrational offering. The vibration that you offer is like the magic wand. When you wave the magic wand, everything in its path changes. So how do you change your vibration? How do you wave the magic wand so that everything you experience becomes of that vibration? READ MORE...

Hilarion ~ Changes Occur and Shifts Happen in All Areas of Human Existence

You are the holders of the highest frequency that is available on the planet and this requires the constancy to remain true to yourselves no matter what situations you encounter in your life. As the representatives of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to be the role models to show the way, to be the incorruptible ones who persevere on their spiritual path as all the familiar signposts along the way have now shifted. You are walking into unfamiliar territory in faith and courage and creating the new reality as you go and it is good. READ MORE...

Intuitive Astrology ~ Mars Shifts Direct June 2016

Since April 17th Mars, the planet of action and energy has been retrograde. For the last few months, Mars has been testing us, working us and challenging us to pull back in order to work out what is next. On June 29th, Mars is finally going to open his eyes and begin making his way direct. When a planet shifts out of retrograde and into a direct motion, we tend to feel the effects most strongly. In many ways, when Mars starts waking up, he will deliver to us the last and most powerful message of his time in retrograde. This message will be different for everyone, but seeing as Mars is all about taking action, feeling motivated and creating ambition, it is likely that we will feel things in moving in these areas. READ MORE...

The Great Purification Is Underway, Next... The Great Void and Then??!!

If these days can’t any more strange or intense??  All my readings and even ETville all had the same thing that I was seeing… water.  In reading land the water itself was pouring down from the sky, not like rain or even intense rain, like a river that stretched all around the globe, or maybe better said, a waterfall pouring out of the sky.  The expressions from spirit were the same thru each connection as well “The Great Purification” is underway, The Great Flood was another phrase I heard too, but not as much as the great purification.  Very much like an emotional cleansing.  Intense energies flooding the earth that will create intense reactions and actions that are very much already underway. READ MORE...

Message From The Angels ~ Creating an Intention

Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people and projects. For some, change could be very frightening but know that you are surrounded by Archangels and Ascended Masters with their loving and powerful energies. The Angels want you to believe that there are extra energies and blessings around you. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges or maybe you are currently asking for help. The Angels re-emphasize on creating an 'Intention'. Because it's your intention that drives your experiences but in order to reach your goals, you have to make sure that your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions. READ MORE...

Leah ~ Six Six Six

The 6-6-6 is a curious idea. Many of you have equated it with the devil, or Satan, or Lucifer, or the Mark of the Beast as given in the Revelation book of your Christian Bible. Numbers can be used as mental triggers, or as portals into certain subplanes and subdimensions. The 11:11 was very popular many years back. These numbers have been given the status of special codes designed to trigger certain responses within your mind. They have no power within themselves, although they may have certain unique mathematical properties. READ MORE...

What Are Ley-Lines?

We come across another mysterious force of nature known as the electro magnetic fields of the earth, Shuman Resonance or better known as ley lines. The rediscovery of ley lines in this century is unveiling (apocalypse; greek for unveiling) the secrets of Nature. Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. READ MORE...

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Soul Awakening In The Physical Body: Expansion, Contraction, Limits, Bliss, Confusion

A very "quiet" day energetically, yet much is occurring. We have very contracted frequencies, while also having expansion at the same time. The physical body is continually clearing, needing lots of love, care, sunLIGHT to assist with the activation and integration process. These frequencies offer peace while the body clears cellular memory, and "squishing" pushes anything up out of the cells, while also contracting the cells, bones, body... so physical/emotional pain can be felt more when this occurs, while also trying to expand at the same time. It can create a mixed affect. Many are clearing emotions long held and watching their outside reality change. READ MORE...

Energy Update ~ Time-Line in 'Real Time' of Humanities Ascension

We are in the days of rapid ascension, compared to years and lifetimes ago. And we are able to shift and grow much much quicker. As I (and many others) have seen and felt these changes over the years. Especially the last 10 years, let alone before this. There is no greater or lesser in any of us as we are of the DIVINE and we are ONE. Yet we are also individuals, each experiencing what we need to, to help humanity and the collective consciousness. As to grow and ascend fully, we are needing to be very conscious spiritually. We are needing to anchor in our Soul in the Human and link this to our Spirit. And this is a 'balancing act' that takes time. READ MORE...

Master Toth ~ Walking Through The Magic Life

I am here in this moment to share some very important elements about how our lives change in the physical body when an individual is able to fully actualize their higher consciousness. In order to receive the benefits available within the God Consciousness, each person needs to allow this energy to become them. This then creates elements to be very flowing and synchronous, “being in the right moment at the right time”. Another term may be “Walking through the Magic of Life”. READ MORE...

Sananda ~ Let Go and Follow Your Heart

There are many people who have started to open up their hearts and their eyes and they then start to act according to the insights they receive. To dare to let go and follow your heart may have its price, but you are rewarded tenfold in your heart and in your own development. Everything around you on Earth assists you in many different ways. New solutions will appear for those that strive for a better and lighter world, where we all can live in peace with each other. READ MORE...