My life’s mission has always been to be part of the awakening of humanity and assisting our beautiful MotherGaia to her rightful place in this universe, and in our heart. I could not bare the abuse humanity has suffered at the hands of the dark side. Especially, the Divine Feminine. I knew Divine Love. MotherFather of Creation were in my heart and I inherently knew a huge event was about to take place in all of Creation. Especially within ones self. I called out to God to please come to Earth if She/He were real, to come in physicality to awaken all to come home to Love and our Divine purpose of Peace and Love everywhere present. I was searching for MotherFather of Creation, Divine Source, and finally found Mother alive and in physical manifestation in 2010. I recognized her immediately. I fell in Love with our Divine Mother of Creation. My heart intent is for the highest good for self and all creation and I wanted to go home to Mother and Father and assist Love in any and every way.
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