Consciousness is shifting and changing and in order for there to be the new consciousness, in order for there to be the new Golden Age, there first must be the breaking down of the old. The old must wither and die for the new to be born; the new to sprout up as life sprouts up in the spring. That is what is happening now. And yes it has been said that there are rocky times ahead. So fasten the seatbelts. That is not to put a scare into you, certainly never to bring fear. Just to prepare you. Prepare you for the energies as they continue to shift and change; the energies as they become greater and greater. And you, those of you, especially those of you with a psychic ability you are feeling these energies more and more and more. And I tell you now as St. Germain these energies are going to continue to change. They are going to continue to shift within you and outside of you.
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