♥ I Love You ♥
- by Doron Kutash
I envision a day in which every being hears 'I love you' or receives love; in whatever language; verbal, non-verbal, words, actions, or vibrations.
Why not tomorrow? Valentine's Day. Let's return what's become a commercial holiday, back to it's simplest, most beautiful form. Love.
And let's break down the barrier that love can only be between significant others; and love is only for 2 of the same types of people... and/or for family members or kin..
Let tomorrow be a day in which love is evident as the ruling force of the world, and the true currency of the people... It is already the Universal Force and Currency.
Make it contagious, go viral... love everyone, and everything... all day, every moment, every exchange, every thought, feeling, word, or action.
Live for good deeds, pay it forward, express every word you've left unsaid.
This is how we create the world in which we have always imagined possible. This will heal the hearts and souls of all beings in the world. And ultimately this will heal the world, because we are a collective consciousness that is unified.
Your leader in creation,
to the new frontier,
the Golden Age,
♥ Doron ♥
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