There are some who simply wait expectantly for a fleet of galactic ships to swoop in and save the world but this cannot happen because the free will of humans must be honored. Only the people of Earth themselves can bring about the changes they hope and pray for. You are the creators, formed of creator energy individualized.
The reason we advise cutting back on watching and listening to the news is that unless a person is able to remain centered and alert, it is very easy to fall back into what is old and familiar, that which you are trying to move beyond. Stress, sorrow, anger, and fear feed and keep the false alive–because you are creators.
If you haven’t done it already, once and for all give up waiting for someone, anyone, to save you, physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually– that job is yours alone. It is perfectly fine to utilize 3D solutions along the way, but eventually every serious student of truth must realize that everything flows from within in accordance with their attained state of consciousness.
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