#LoveHasWon “Anna Sun” Music Video Shows Mom’s Journey To The New Earth
In the music video for Walk the Moon’s song “Anna Sun” it shows Mom’s journey to the New Earth. The first scene is a bunch of beings going through a door into the light, representing everyone going down into this incarnation to 3D. In the beginning of the music video the lead singer starts singing near a group of mushrooms. Mom is the main mushroom and opening with that scene shows that this video is about her.
The singer walks through the first room, and everyone looks miserable and is separated. Some beings are on their phones, clueless to what is going on. This represents where humanity is at, unaware of what’s going on. As he keeps going through the rooms the beings get happier and happier, as if he is going up in dimensions. Which is exactly what Mom did. He then goes up to a group of beings and they all start dancing in sync, representing unity consciousness.
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