We are about to enter into a new energetic month, in which, we finally are going to witness the cosmic rebirth of our Planet into the 5D realm. A space where freedom, unconditional love and authenticity is our only way of BEing and existing. We have been in old worlds, ones that were useful for our soul growth but that - due to who we have become - are not aligned with our New 5D Timeline, any longer. We have been dissolving our inner shadows, bringing acceptance, light and higher understanding to what previously seemed unresolved for our lower self. After doing all the inner work, one that never ends within this endless Divine Spiral, we are finally ready to cross the veils of illusion - that once served us to experience a limited reality - and step into a New Octave, where a Higher Aspect of us, already dwells. It is during this new month of September, that our Beloved Planet is finally bifurcating from the 3D matrix
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