All night long during my brief conscious moments and during sleep too, I was walking down this corridor…a long hallway. The ceiling was getting tighter and the floor rising up to meet it. Not a pleasant feeling…this ‘narrowing’ passageway feeling. Yet, also, I could feel there was LOVE in this movement somehow and that at the ‘end’ of the hallway were wide, OPEN spaces filled with Infinite Possibilities. The narrowing corridor I was shown feels like the old life and the previous versions, the 3D self versions and masks and personas, are being ‘pressed down’ in order to move them along. It is becoming increasingly uncomfortable and cramped to be less than who you are and you are feeling it more acutely now on all levels. The physical body is releasing pain and resistance in the form of ascension body symptoms such as ringing in the ears, changing sleeping patterns, dizzyness, nausea, appetite changes, body aches, hot flashes, etc
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