We are here to help you secure and enforce the new golden grid for Gaia and of course for all of humanity. We are here to protect it and to assist you in strengthening it and in the process anchoring it deeply into the planet’s body and into human consciousness. And how do you do this? It is by refusing to go the way of the old, and instead following only the shiny new and golden path of love and freedom in every situation and in every circumstance. You can show everyone how easy it is to choose only the path of truth and love, by becoming aware of the way you choose to act and respond to challenges and to life in general. You are all going through this final refinement and putting into place the last details before deployment, to say the least, of what is to come as your next grand mission. What you are all experiencing at this time, though, is going through old lessons, rechecking and testing yourselves to make sure that you do recognize the old paradigm of the third reality and the false exits that you might be persuaded to take, only to lead you off the course of light into the dead ends of the futility and powerlessness.
LOVE US @mewe.com/join/lovehaswon
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