Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide an information on the current energies on the Planet. These energies have a significant impact on Mother Earth and the collective as a whole. The 3d eyes sees much chaos and calamity coming to the forefront, as nothing that Truth can be hidden… nothing that does not go in harmony with Universal Law. Anything held in unconsciousness is being brought out into the open. People, societies, governments, and more are being exposed for what they truly represent. The same goes for those whom are still hanging on the old thought patterns, behaviors and conditionings that are being revealed for transformation if one so chooses. Many have construed the chaos around the planet to be Armageddon. Yet, this is not the case. Let us delve deeper into the True Armageddon taking place, to gain clarity on what is happening to all those on Planet Earth=Heart. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.
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