I am Archangel of Love, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Bringer of Joy. And yes, of course, I have been given the honour, for one of my tasks, my jobs, my mission, my purpose is the polishing, the renewal, the maintenance of Golden Grids. “Maintenance” to so many of you sounds task-oriented and a little boring, and yet it is absolutely so far from the truth. Long ago, years ago, I have laid down a beautiful new grid for my sister, Gi’Anna, and I have polished it and I have kept it radiant and glistening – yes, even when there have been fires, hurricanes, droughts, war, bombs, starvation. Gaia, anchored in the 7th dimension, is in her radiant glory. Have many physical, what you think of as geophysical events been happening upon this beloved planet? Most certainly. And many of these incidents have been triggered to bring forth not only the clearing and the cleansing of what had needed to be eliminated, but also to bring forth kindness and compassion
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