As the year of Our Lord, 2017, draws to a close, make a point of giving thanks. There are none among you who have been completely without occasion to give thanks in 2017. Giving thanks is a very powerful energy exchange, much like forgiveness, which you should all also be offering to those you have offended – including yourselves for the negative self-judgments and disparagements you have dished out to yourselves far too frequently during these last twelve months. So, remind yourselves frequently, as this year closes and 2018 dawns, that you are the perfect divine children of God, and that therefore, surely, you should be loving yourselves purely and completely just as God does. Yes, of course you have made errors, that is part of being human, but forgive yourselves and move on, instead of dwelling on your perceived failings and inadequacies, thus depressing yourselves and your energy fields. You all must have heard the saying: To err is human, to forgive divine. Well, you are all both human and divine, because you are eternally one with God
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