Now we wish to address your current being that is shifting so rapidly, it is difficult for you to understand new you. You are in constant flux. There are no standards from which to draw your emotions, feelings or even your physical changes. So it is you are frightened. Not because you have to be – for you are entering earth’s golden age – but because you do not understand you. Do not expend energy being angry with or at others for doing so only reduces the energy you have to expand your inner world. Focus on yourself and the rest will fall into place. Focus on others or the global climate, and you will prolong your need to fear the past, present, and future. For you cannot move forward with your new being if you stagnate in 3D. Nor can you move forward if your fear of the unknown is greater than your comfort – no matter how uncomfortable – is currently. “I claim myself, and all my glory” is your new inner mantra. If you worry about the outer world, that inner cry is unheard. Allow yourself to flow
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